A Transparent and Reversable method for changing Strike Weight Ratio

Steve Willis and I worked out this method for changing Key Ratio by substituting balance rail punchings with a veneer shim, either as a small patch or long strips.   The Veneer shim changes the balance point of the key and effects a significant change in the Strike Weight Ratio (about 0.3 - 0.6 depending on the key length).   When the shim is applied to the back side of the balance rail pin the effect is to reduce Ratio making the action lighter.  When added to the front the Ratio increases and makes the action heavier.  An added benefit is that the shims may be removed and the effect erased if need be.    In cases when sharp ratios are noticabley higher than natural ratios (a result of the balance rail pins of the sharps being too close to the naturals) we may use this technique on just the sharps in order to match the ratio level of sharps to the naturals.

David Stanwood April 6, 2004

Strip shim